Calling Suggestions

What To Say When You Call

Some Suggestions

Remember that telephone calls are usually taken by a staff member, not the member of the state legislature. Ask to speak with the aide who handles the issue about which you wish to comment. If you call after hours you will get their voicemail. Just go ahead and leave the message like you would with the aide. 

Leave this type of message:

I am aware that a discharge petition would bring the heartbeat bill legislation to the floor for a vote.  I want to encourage Rep. ___________you to sign this petition and move the heartbeat bill forward.

As a concerned pro-life voter I am calling to ask Rep.______________ to help move the Heartbeat Bill forward.  I understand that the discharge petition will keep it from being delayed in committee.

Is Rep.___________________ considering signing the discharge petition for the Heartbeat Bill? As a concerned pro-life voter I am very much in favor of it. It was used before to pass important life saving legislation.

Can you update me on Rep. _________________ position on the Heartbeat Bill?  I am very concerned that it is being delayed. 

As a concerned pro-life voter I am calling to ask Rep.______________ to help move the Heartbeat Bill forward.  I understand that other strong prolife Representatives are signing the discharge petition to send the bill to the floor for a vote. 

If you are asked why so many people are calling, simply reply: “we have been informed and we want our representatives to know our position.”

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